Qingdao JianLi Rubber&Plastic Products Co.,Ltd.

How To Choose The Thickness Of A Rubber Gym Floor?

  • Categories: Blog
  • Author: Viola Luo
  • Time of issue: 2021-11-06 09:43
Views: 423

When you build a new gym, make sure you have a plan of the gym equipment and activities and the gym floor. But when it comes time to choose the right gym floor, you will have doubts because there are many products, product types, and thicknesses on the market.

Here you will get an idea of how to choose the right floor for your home gym, commercial gym, or garage gym.


What will your gym activity be? Functional training or maybe Crossfit or you can choose both activities.

If you are not going to do heavy exercises such as Crossfit and weightlifting, you can opt for a light floor that is mainly produced in roll forms. Rubber gym rolls are widely available in the market from 3mm to 12mm thickness.

Functional training flooring fitness

Rubber rollers are ideal for functional training, TRX and cardio exercises and any type of general purpose gym floor. A higher thickness of rubber gym rolls is suitable for free strength training.

If you're going to do heavy lifting with heavyweights, the best floor option is rubber gym tiles.

crossfit training fitness flooring

Crossfit and weightlifting exercises and deadlift workouts need a strong rubber floor if you don't choose the right floor type and thickness then your base floor can break (generally those nice ceramic and wood floors are more expensive than the rubber floors). And these rubber floors also help you to protect your expensive fitness equipment.

If you want a floor for both types of exercises, you can plan 2 different rooms with 2 different floors or to make it easier you can choose the thicker product, this means that if you have a floor that is suitable for Crossfit, the same floor is also suitable is for functional training.


The maximum weights in the gym . Now you have to indicate the maximum weights that you will have in the gym, if this is for free strength training then the maximum weights of the dumbbells are usually 40 kg.

If you are going to do Crossfit training, the average weights (bars included 120-140 kg)

JLAS-1-EPDM Composite Rubber Tile

Most sports floor products are marked with maximum weight loss value or critical fall height, you can choose the appropriate thickness according to the maximum weight loss value. (Maximum value for weight loss is the safe floor thickness to allow the weights to fall down)

JLCS-5-Heavy-duty Granulate Rubber Tile

Thick Gym Floors or High-Density Gym Floors

When you choose the thickness of the floor you need, you need to check the tightness of the floor. All rubber floors are not created equal. Higher thicknesses have better protection, but if the floors have the same density. If you need to compare 2 products with the same thickness, try to choose the one with a higher density. Lower-density rubber flooring products, such as playground floor tiles, are softer and can break very easily if you drop heavyweights.

Finished Rubber Floors After Inspection

  • fitness flooring
  • rubber flooring
  • rubber gym rolls
  • rubber gym tiles
  • rubber gym flooring
  • Cardio
  • Functional training fitness floor
  • Crossfit and weightlifting flooring fitness
  • rubber mats
  • gym flooring
  • gym tile